.. _module_axi_crossbar: Module axi_crossbar =================== This document contains technical documentation for the ``axi_crossbar`` module. This module provides small footprint blocks for AXI4 and AXI3 N-to-1 read and write arbitration. .. digraph:: my_graph graph [ dpi = 300 splines=ortho]; rankdir="LR"; cloud0 [ label="AXI master" shape=none image="cloud_450.png"]; cloud0 -> axi_crossbar [dir="both"]; cloud1 [ label="AXI master" shape=none image="cloud_450.png"]; cloud1 -> axi_crossbar [dir="both"]; axi_crossbar [ shape=box label=<
>]; axi_crossbar -> ddr [dir="both"]; ddr [ label="DDR" shape=box]; The user would typically instantiate :ref:`axi_crossbar.axi_read_crossbar` or :ref:`axi_crossbar.axi_write_crossbar`. These entities have the following generics: - ``num_left_ports``: The number of AXI masters on the ``left`` side. - ``data_width``: The width of ``RDATA`` and ``WDATA`` for all the AXI ports. - ``left_id_widths``: The width of ``ARID``, ``RID``, ``AWID`` and ``BID`` for the ports on the ``left`` side. One value for each port. Note that more bits are needed on the ``right`` side, see :ref:`crossbar_limitations`. Lowering these values will decrease resource utilization. - ``address_fifo_depths``: Depth of optional FIFO for the ``AR`` and ``AW`` channels. One value for each port. Set to ``0`` to disable. - ``data_fifo_depths``: Depth of optional FIFO for the ``R`` and ``W`` channels. One value for each port. Set to ``0`` to disable. - ``port_is_asynchronous``: Indicates that a ``left`` port is asynchronous to the ``right`` port. If FIFOs are enabled the inferred FIFOs will be asynchronous as to synchronize the bus. Default is ``False``, indicating that the port is synchronous. - ``outstanding_transaction_limits``: Set a non-zero value to enable :ref:`transaction_limits`. Default is ``0``, meaning that the mechanism is disabled. One value for each port. Specification ------------- 1. The module provides N-to-1 arbitration for AXI read and write transactions. 2. Apart from limitations below, it is fully compliant with the AMBA AXI4 Specification. 3. Achieves 100% utilization of ``R``, ``W`` and ``B`` channels. There are no ``right``-side clock cycles wasted when arbitrating. 4. For ``AR`` and ``AW`` a transaction can be performed on the ``right`` side every second cycle. .. _crossbar_limitations: Limitations ___________ 1. These AXI4 signals are not included in the interfaces, and are assumed to be constant: - Lock type: ``AxLOCK`` - Memory type: ``AxCACHE`` - Protection type: ``AxPROT`` - Quality of service: ``AxQOS`` - Region identifier: ``AxREGION`` - User-defined signaling: ``AxUSER`` and ``xUSER`` - Write ID (only used by AXI3): ``WID`` 2. AXI standard demands there be no combinatorial paths between input and output handshake signals (``ready`` and ``valid``). This rule is not honored in this module, since it increases logic footprint and is not necessary to reach timing. 3. The module uses extra ID bits on the ``right`` side in order to index read/write responses. The extra ID bits will be appended above the regular ID bits from the ``left`` ports. This achieves higher performance and lower resource utilization, but means that more bits are needed on the ``right`` AXI port. .. math:: \text{right ID width} = \text{max(left_id_widths)} + \left\lceil \log_2 ( \text{num_left_ports} ) \right\rceil 4. Always set ``AxCACHE`` to be modifiable, since the IDs will be manipulated. 5. Since the IDs will be manipulated, it is recommended that behavior of the slave on the ``right`` side not be dependent on ID. If it is dependent on ID, it must only consider the bits that were not appended by the ``axi_crossbar``. For ``RID`` and ``BID`` the crossbar will return to the ``left`` ports only the ID range indicated by ``left_id_widths``, i.e. no extra bits. So it is safe for the masters on the ``left`` to have behavior dependent on ID. 6. The module does not have any reset functionality. The design targets modern SRAM-based FPGAs, where initial values can be used and there is no need for reset. .. _transaction_limits: Outstanding transaction limits ------------------------------ The ``outstanding_transaction_limits`` generic of :ref:`axi_crossbar.axi_read_crossbar` and :ref:`axi_crossbar.axi_write_crossbar` support setting boundaries on the number of outstanding address transactions. This is to avoid deadlock situations where a master on the ``left`` performs many address transactions, but is not ready to send/receive all the data continuously. In this case the other masters on the ``left``, who may very well be ready to send/receive data, would be starved out since the ``right`` side slave would be stalled waiting for data transactions. By default the generic for the limit is zero, indicating the mechanism is not used. Enabling it will increase resource utilization, so do it only if the mechanism is needed. Performance considerations -------------------------- For optimal performance an AXI master should be able to send or receive data with full throughput after an address transaction has been made. This is because any stalling on the ``right`` side will affect all ``left`` ports. In most cases, the master itself should take care of this, but below are some tips on how the crossbar can be used to improve performance if the masters are not well behaved. 1. For read transactions, the crossbar can be configured in a way that guarantees that data can always be accepted. This is done by enabling data FIFOs ``data_fifo_depths`` and setting ``outstanding_transaction_limits`` such that the FIFOs are larger than the data of the maximum number of outstanding transactions. 2. For write transactions, ``packet_mode`` can be used to ensure that a write transaction is not started before data for one packet is available. It is still possible to start multiple write transactions with only one packet in the FIFO, but the risk of stalling is reduced. 3. ``outstanding_transaction_limits`` can also be used to limit how much an ill-behaved master affects other masters, or to balance loads if masters have different burst lengths or burst frequency. .. _axi_crossbar.address_arbiter: address_arbiter.vhd ------------------- .. symbolator:: component address_arbiter is generic ( num_channels : positive ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; --# {{}} address_valid : in std_ulogic_vector; data_available : in std_ulogic_vector; --# {{}} address_select_ready : in std_ulogic; address_select : out natural range 0 to not_selected_idx ); end component; Selects arbitration channel according to a simple Round Robin scheme. Will select a channel if it has address valid and data available. If we are working with writes, ``data_available`` should be asserted when there is sufficient write data available to burst. For reads, ``data_available`` should be asserted when we are ready to receive a read data burst. The ``address_select`` output will have a value other than ``nothing_selected`` for one clock cycle when ``address_select_ready`` is ``'1'``. This should make sure that an address transaction occurs. .. _axi_crossbar.axi_crossbar_pkg: axi_crossbar_pkg.vhd -------------------- Package with utility functions used in the rest of the module. .. _axi_crossbar.axi_read_crossbar: axi_read_crossbar.vhd --------------------- .. symbolator:: component axi_read_crossbar is generic ( data_width : positive; addr_width : positive; num_left_ports : positive; left_id_widths : natural_vec_t; address_fifo_depths : natural_vec_t; data_fifo_depths : natural_vec_t; outstanding_transaction_limits : natural_vec_t; port_is_asynchronous : boolean_vector ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; -- Only need to assign if port_is_asynchronous is true for that port clocks_asynchronous_left : in std_ulogic_vector; --# {{}} left_ports_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_vec_t; left_ports_s2m : out axi_read_s2m_vec_t; --# {{}} right_port_m2s : out axi_read_m2s_t; right_port_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t ); end component; Top level that performs N-to-1 arbitration of AXI read transactions. AXI masters on the ``left`` and AXI slave on the ``right`` are assumed to be synchronous to ``clk`` unless indicated by ``port_is_asynchronous``. This top level can be seen as a wrapper that instantiates :ref:`axi_read_crossbar_core `. On top of the core it adds (asynchronous) FIFOs for flow control, and a limiter for number of outstanding transactions. If any value in ``address_fifo_depths`` or ``data_fifo_depths`` is non-zero there will be a FIFO inferred for that channel. If a ``left`` port is in another clock domain than the slave on the ``right``, ``port_is_asynchronous`` shall be asserted for that port. When this happens the inferred FIFO will be an asynchronous FIFO in order to synchronize all ports to the same clock. In this case the ``clocks_asynchronous_left`` signal must be assigned for that port. If the port is not asynchronous to the ``right`` side the ``clocks_asynchronous_left`` can be left unassigned. When using a read data FIFO the address arbitration takes into account the FIFO level so that a whole burst can read continuously. If the FIFO is not sufficiently empty, the arbiter will not select that ``left`` port. It should be noted that if your AXI master on the ``left`` side already has FIFOs on the address and data channels, there is very little gain in adding FIFOs to the crossbar as well. In that case it is more resource efficient to increase the depths of the existing FIFOs. .. _axi_crossbar.axi_read_crossbar_core: axi_read_crossbar_core.vhd -------------------------- .. symbolator:: component axi_read_crossbar_core is generic ( num_left_ports : positive; left_id_widths : natural_vec_t ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; --# {{}} arbiter_data_available : in std_ulogic_vector; --# {{}} left_ports_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_vec_t; left_ports_s2m : out axi_read_s2m_vec_t; --# {{}} right_port_m2s : out axi_read_m2s_t; right_port_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t ); end component; Core functionality for N-to-1 AXI read arbitration. The arbitration will "lock on" to a ``left`` port when ``ARVALID`` and ``arbiter_data_available`` is asserted for that port. This is to avoid cases where an address transaction is sent through but there is not enough space in ``R`` buffering to receive the data. The ``arbiter_data_available`` can for example be assigned to ``RREADY`` if that is the desired behavior, or ``'1'`` if there is no reliable way to qualify data availability. .. warning:: When in passthrough mode (``num_left_ports = 1``), the ``arbiter_data_available`` signal will not be taken into regard. .. _axi_crossbar.axi_write_crossbar: axi_write_crossbar.vhd ---------------------- .. symbolator:: component axi_write_crossbar is generic ( data_width : positive; addr_width : positive; num_left_ports : positive; left_id_widths : natural_vec_t; address_fifo_depths : natural_vec_t; data_fifo_depths : natural_vec_t; response_fifo_depths : natural_vec_t; outstanding_transaction_limits : natural_vec_t; port_is_asynchronous : boolean_vector ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; -- Only need to assign if port_is_asynchronous is true for that port clocks_asynchronous_left : in std_ulogic_vector; --# {{}} left_ports_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_vec_t; left_ports_s2m : out axi_write_s2m_vec_t; --# {{}} right_port_m2s : out axi_write_m2s_t; right_port_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t ); end component; Top level that performs N-to-1 arbitration of AXI write transactions. AXI masters on the ``left`` and AXI slave on the ``right`` are assumed to be synchronous to ``clk`` unless indicated by ``port_is_asynchronous``. This top level can be seen as a wrapper that instantiates :ref:`axi_write_crossbar_core `. On top of the core it adds (asynchronous) FIFOs for flow control, and a limiter for number of outstanding transactions. It has the same generics as :ref:`axi_read_crossbar ` but with ``response_fifo_depths`` added. This generic controls the depth of the optional FIFO for the write response channel (``B``). Set to ``0`` to disable. One value for each port. .. _axi_crossbar.axi_write_crossbar_core: axi_write_crossbar_core.vhd --------------------------- .. symbolator:: component axi_write_crossbar_core is generic ( num_left_ports : positive; left_id_widths : natural_vec_t ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; --# {{}} arbiter_data_available : in std_ulogic_vector; --# {{}} left_ports_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_vec_t; left_ports_s2m : out axi_write_s2m_vec_t; --# {{}} right_port_m2s : out axi_write_m2s_t; right_port_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t ); end component; Core functionality for N-to-1 AXI write arbitration. The arbitration will "lock on" to a ``left`` port when ``AWVALID`` and ``arbiter_data_available`` is asserted for that port. This is to avoid cases where an address transaction is sent through but there is no data available for a while. The ``arbiter_data_available`` can for example be assigned to ``WVALID`` if that is the desired behavior, or ``'1'`` if there is no reliable way to qualify data availability. .. warning:: When in passthrough mode (``num_left_ports = 1``), the ``arbiter_data_available`` signal will not be taken into regard. .. _axi_crossbar.response_arbiter: response_arbiter.vhd -------------------- .. symbolator:: component response_arbiter is generic ( num_channels : positive; id_widths : natural_vec_t ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; --# {{}} response_id : in u_unsigned; response_select : out natural range id_widths'range ); end component; Selects where a response shall be routed based on the ID.