Documentation of axi_crossbar release ===================================== This document contains technical documentation for the ``axi_crossbar`` FPGA module. It is generated from release ``axi_crossbar-0.0.0`` at 2023-02-28 07:21. Release notes ------------- Changelogs from Truestream follow the `keep a changelog `__ format. Version numbers follow the `semantic versioning `__ scheme: ``MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH+HASH``. * ``MAJOR`` will be incremented for incompatible API or functionality changes. * ``MINOR`` will be incremented when new functionality is added in a backwards compatible manner. * ``PATCH`` will be incremented for backwards compatible bug fixes. The ``HASH`` field is the Git SHA that the release was made from. It is included in the version number for internal traceability. Release history and changelog follows below. 3.1.0+73746267 - (28 february 2023) ___________________________________ * Add support for passthrough mode (``num_left_ports = 1``) that consumes no resources (unless asynchronous operation is enabled). 3.0.0+a4f1024a - (24 march 2021) ________________________________ Added * Break out :ref:`axi_write_crossbar_core ` with simpler interface. The existing :ref:`axi_write_crossbar ` instantiates the new core with no functional changes. Breaking changes * Adapt for latest tsfpga. 2.0.0+c995aaf0 - (21 august 2020) _________________________________ Breaking changes * Adapt for tsfpga version 4.0.0 1.0.0+84f2ce18 - (25 june 2020) _______________________________ Initial release. Design details -------------- See the :ref:`module_axi_crossbar` page for an overview and specification of the ``axi_crossbar`` module. Here you will also find a technical description of the different sub-modules. Requirements ------------ This module has the following dependencies: * The open-source `hdl_modules `__ project version ``2.0.0``. Library name ------------ This module's source files shall be compiled to a VHDL library symbolically named ``axi_crossbar``. .. toctree:: :caption: Contents :hidden: modules/axi_crossbar/axi_crossbar.rst