.. _module_axi4_to_axi3: Module axi4_to_axi3 =================== This document contains technical documentation for the ``axi4_to_axi3`` module. This module provides small footprint blocks for converting AXI4 read and write transactions to AXI3. .. digraph:: my_graph graph [ dpi = 300 splines=ortho]; rankdir="LR"; cloud [ label="AXI master" shape=none image="cloud_450.png"]; cloud -> axi4_to_axi3 [dir="both" label="AXI4"]; axi4_to_axi3 [ shape=box label=<
AXI4 to AXI3
>]; axi4_to_axi3 -> ddr [dir="both" label="AXI3"]; ddr [ label="DDR" shape=box]; The user would typically instantiate :ref:`axi4_to_axi3_read ` or :ref:`axi4_to_axi3_write `. These entities have the following generics: - ``address_width_bits``: The width of ``ARADDR`` and ``AWADDR`` for both AXI ports. Increasing this will increase the resource utilization. - ``id_width_bits``: The width of ``ARID``, ``RID``, ``AWID`` and ``BID`` for both AXI ports, and additionally ``WID`` for the ``right`` port. Increasing this will increase the resource utilization. - ``data_width_bits``: The width of ``RDATA`` and ``WDATA`` for both AXI ports. Specification ------------- 1. The module provides conversion of AXI4 read and write transactions to AXI3. 2. Apart from the limitations below, it is fully compliant with the AMBA AXI4 and AXI3 Specification. 3. Achieves 100% utilization of ``R``, ``W`` and ``B`` channels. No cycles wasted when converting. This is assuming no :ref:`id_throttling` is performed. 4. For ``AR`` and ``AW`` a transaction can be performed on the ``left`` side every third cycle, and on the ``right`` side every second or third cycle depending on use case. The worst case is formed when ``left`` transactions are of length 16 beats or less. In this case, an address transaction on the ``right`` side can be performed every third cycle. In other cases, when burst splitting is performed, address transactions on the ``right`` side are performed every second cycle. Limitations ___________ 1. These AXI signals are not included in the interfaces, and are assumed to be constant: - Lock type: ``AxLOCK`` - Memory type: ``AxCACHE`` - Protection type: ``AxPROT`` 2. Additionally AXI4 adds some signals that are not present in AXI3: - Quality of service: ``AxQOS`` - Region identifier: ``AxREGION`` - User-defined signaling: ``AxUSER`` and ``xUSER`` These are assumed to be unused on the ``left`` AXI4 side and will not in any way be propagate to the ``right`` AXI3 side. 3. AXI standard demands there be no combinatorial paths between input and output handshake signals (``ready`` and ``valid``). This rule is not honored in this module, since it increases logic footprint and is not necessary to reach timing. 4. The module does not have any reset functionality. The design targets modern SRAM-based FPGAs, where initial values can be used and there is no need for reset. .. _id_throttling: ID throttling ------------- This module implements throttling based on ID which is needed in some cases. Note that according to the standard an AXI slave can send read/write responses in arbitrary order if they have different ID. Whereas if they have the same ID the responses must be sent in the order the address transactions arrived. When aggregating ``right`` side ``B`` transaction to one ``left`` side transaction, or combining many ``R`` bursts to one burst on the ``left`` side, we are highly dependent on responses arriving in the order that we sent the address transactions. This means that we must stall the address channel until all responses are received, if the incoming ID is different that the one we have outstanding (if any). .. _axi4_to_axi3.axi4_to_axi3_read: axi4_to_axi3_read.vhd --------------------- .. symbolator:: component axi4_to_axi3_read is generic ( address_width_bits : positive; id_width_bits : natural; data_width_bits : positive ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; --# {{}} left_m2s : in axi_read_m2s_t; left_s2m : out axi_read_s2m_t; --# {{}} right_m2s : out axi_read_m2s_t; right_s2m : in axi_read_s2m_t ); end component; Top level for AXI4-to-AXI3 conversion of read transactions. The difference between the read protocol for AXI4 and AXI3 is simply: * For AXI3 the burst length is limited by 16 beats, whereas for AXI4 it is limited by 256 beats. The ``RRESP`` field in the read response channel is valid on a per-beat basis, meaning that e.g. for some words of a burst it can be ``OKAY`` while for others it can be ``SLVERR``. This means that no response aggregation must be performed, despite the bursts being split. The ``RRESP`` for the ``right`` side is simply propagated to the ``left`` side along with the data. This entity performs burst splitting of ``left`` transactions. That means splitting of the burst length and incrementing the base address. It also make sure that ``RLAST`` is only propagated to the ``left`` side for the last splitted burst. These features are implemented in a way that is very similar to what an AXI master ``job_partitioner`` and ``axi_read_master_core`` would do. Indeed when reading the code a lot of similarities can be seen. The difference is that this code is greatly simplified since input "jobs" are guaranteed to be compliant with the AXI standard. Those requirements result in an implementation that is way smaller than an instantiation of ``job_partitioner`` and ``axi_read_master_core``. This entity supports full throughput. Meaning that new ``AR`` transactions can be queued up to the ``right`` side before all previous ``R`` transactions have finished. There is no stalling of the ``R`` channel. There is a two cycle overhead on the ``AR`` channel for each ``left``-side ``AR`` transaction. If there is burst splitting performed there will be one cycle of overhead per additional burst as well. There is a FIFO between the state machine that performs ``AR`` transactions and the control logic for the ``R`` channel. This FIFO propagates the burst information that is needed to adapt the response. Having this FIFO in place enables full throughput, since the ``AR`` state machine can move on to the next address transaction without having to wait on the read channel. Resource utilization ____________________ This entity has `netlist builds `__ set up with `automatic size checkers `__ in ``module_axi4_to_axi3.py``. The following table lists the resource utilization for the entity, depending on generic configuration. .. list-table:: Resource utilization for axi4_to_axi3_read.vhd netlist builds. :header-rows: 1 * - Generics - Total LUTs - FFs * - address_width_bits = 28 id_width_bits = 0 data_width_bits = 32 - 69 - 65 * - address_width_bits = 32 id_width_bits = 8 data_width_bits = 128 - 73 - 77 .. _axi4_to_axi3.axi4_to_axi3_write: axi4_to_axi3_write.vhd ---------------------- .. symbolator:: component axi4_to_axi3_write is generic ( address_width_bits : positive; id_width_bits : natural; data_width_bits : positive ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; --# {{}} left_m2s : in axi_write_m2s_t; left_s2m : out axi_write_s2m_t; --# {{}} right_m2s : out axi_write_m2s_t; right_s2m : in axi_write_s2m_t ); end component; Top level for AXI4-to-AXI3 conversion of write transactions. The difference between the write protocol for AXI4 and AXI3 is: 1. For AXI3 the burst length is limited by 16 beats, whereas for AXI4 it is limited by 256 beats. 2. For AXI3 the write channel has an ID field which is not present in AXI4. The write response (``B``) sent to the ``left`` side shall be sent only once the write response on the ``right`` side has been received for all splitted bursts. The ``BRESP`` field that is propagated to the ``left`` is an aggregate of all ``BRESP`` from the ``right`` responses that are part of the splitted burst. This entity performs burst splitting of ``left`` transactions. That means splitting of the burst length and incrementing the base address. It also makes sure that ``BVALID`` is only sent to the ``left`` side for the last splitted burst response. These features are implemented in a way that is very similar to what an AXI master ``job_partitioner`` and ``axi_write_master_core`` would do. Indeed when reading the code a lot of similarities can be seen. The difference is that this code is greatly simplified since input "jobs" are guaranteed to be compliant with the AXI standard. Those requirements result in an implementation that is way smaller than an instantiation of ``job_partitioner`` and ``axi_write_master_core``. This entity supports full throughput. Meaning that new ``AW`` transactions can be queued up to the ``right`` side before all previous ``W`` and ``B`` transactions have finished. There is no stalling of the ``W`` channel. Further ``W`` transactions can be performed before the previous ``B`` transaction has occurred. There is a two cycle overhead on the ``AW`` for each ``left``-side ``AW`` transaction. If there is burst splitting performed there will be one cycle of overhead per additional burst as well. There is a FIFO between the state machine that performs ``AW`` transactions and the control logic for the ``W`` channel as well as the ``B`` channel. The FIFOs propagate the burst information that is needed to adapt the write beats and write response. Having these FIFOs in place enables full throughput, since the ``AW`` state machine can move on to the next address transaction without having to wait on the write or write response channel. In the same manner, the control logic for the ``W`` channel has no dependency on the ``B`` channel and can move on the the next burst straight away. Resource utilization ____________________ This entity has `netlist builds `__ set up with `automatic size checkers `__ in ``module_axi4_to_axi3.py``. The following table lists the resource utilization for the entity, depending on generic configuration. .. list-table:: Resource utilization for axi4_to_axi3_write.vhd netlist builds. :header-rows: 1 * - Generics - Total LUTs - FFs * - address_width_bits = 28 id_width_bits = 0 data_width_bits = 32 - 106 - 87 * - address_width_bits = 32 id_width_bits = 8 data_width_bits = 128 - 110 - 115